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Indexer from scratch

Here's an example of how SDK packages can be combined into a working indexer (called squid).

This page goes through all the technical details to make the squid architecture easier to understand. If you would like to get to a working indexer ASAP, bootstrap from a template.

USDT transfers API

Pre-requisites: NodeJS 20.x or newer, Docker.

Suppose the task is to track transfers of USDT on Ethereum, then save the resulting data to PostgreSQL and serve it as a GraphQL API. From this description we can immediately put together a list of packages:

  • @subsquid/evm-processor - for retrieving Ethereum data
  • the triad of @subsquid/typeorm-store, @subsquid/typeorm-codegen and @subsquid/typeorm-migration - for saving data to PostgreSQL

We also assume the following choice of optional packages:

  • @subsquid/evm-typegen - for decoding Ethereum data and useful constants such as event topic0 values
  • @subsquid/evm-abi - as a peer dependency for the code generated by @subsquid/evm-typegen
  • @subsquid/graphql-server / OpenReader

To make the indexer, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new folder and initialise a new project

    • create package.json
      npm init
    • add .gitignore
  2. Install the packages:

    npm i dotenv typeorm @subsquid/evm-processor @subsquid/typeorm-store @subsquid/typeorm-migration @subsquid/graphql-server @subsquid/evm-abi
    npm i typescript @subsquid/typeorm-codegen @subsquid/evm-typegen --save-dev
  3. Add a minimal tsconfig.json:

    "compilerOptions": {
    "rootDir": "src",
    "outDir": "lib",
    "module": "commonjs",
    "target": "es2020",
    "esModuleInterop": true,
    "skipLibCheck": true,
    "experimentalDecorators": true,
    "emitDecoratorMetadata": true
  4. Define the schema for both the database and the core GraphQL API in schema.graphql:

    type Transfer @entity {
    id: ID!
    from: String! @index
    to: String! @index
    value: BigInt!
  5. Generate TypeORM classes based on the schema:

    npx squid-typeorm-codegen

    The TypeORM classes are now available at src/model/index.ts.

  6. Prepare the database:

    • create .env and docker-compose.yaml files
      image: postgres:15
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres
      - "${DB_PORT}:5432"
    • start the database container
      docker compose up -d
    • compile the TypeORM classes
      npx tsc
    • generate the migration file
      npx squid-typeorm-migration generate
    • apply the migration with
      npx squid-typeorm-migration apply
  7. Generate utility classes for decoding USDT contract data based on its ABI.

    • Create an ./abi folder:

      mkdir abi
    • Find the ABI at the "Contract" tab of the contract page on Etherscan. Scroll down a bit: Getting ABI from Etherscan

    • Copy the ABI, then paste to a new file at ./abi/usdt.json.

    • Run the utility classes generator:

      npx squid-evm-typegen src/abi ./abi/*

    The utility classes are now available at src/abi/usdt.ts

  8. Tie all the generated code together with a src/main.ts executable with the following code blocks:

    • Imports
      import { EvmBatchProcessor } from '@subsquid/evm-processor'
      import { TypeormDatabase } from '@subsquid/typeorm-store'
      import * as usdtAbi from './abi/usdt'
      import { Transfer } from './model'
    • EvmBatchProcessor object definition
      const processor = new EvmBatchProcessor()
      url: process.env.RPC_ETH_HTTP,
      rateLimit: 10
      .setFinalityConfirmation(75) // 15 mins to finality
      address: [ '0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7' ],
      topic0: [ ]
    • TypeormDatabase object definition
      const db = new TypeormDatabase()
    • A call to with an inline definition of the batch handler, async ctx => {
      const transfers: Transfer[] = []
      for (let block of ctx.blocks) {
      for (let log of block.logs) {
      let {from, to, value} =
      transfers.push(new Transfer({
      from, to, value
      Note how supplying a TypeormDatabase to the function caused to be a PostgreSQL-compatible Store object.
  9. Compile the project and start the processor process

    npx tsc
    node -r dotenv/config lib/main.js
  10. In a separate terminal, configure the GraphQL port and start the GraphQL server:

    npx squid-graphql-server

The finished GraphQL API with GraphiQL is available at localhost:4350/graphql.

Final code for this mini-tutorial is available in this repo.


The commands listed here are often abbreviated as custom sqd commands in squids. If you'd like to do that too you can use the commands.json file of the EVM template as a starter.